The Unity approach to prayer is affirmative, based on universal truths.
Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought. It includes the release of counterproductive, negative thoughts, as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth. Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness and thereby transform our lives.
In the late 1880s, Unity’s co-founder Myrtle Fillmore’s life was transformed when she heard and believed the idea, “I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” She had been very ill for many years and by speaking life-affirming words to the illness in her body, she went on to live a life of health and wholeness.
News of Myrtle’s prayer experience spread, and people near and far began sending their prayer requests to her. In 1890 Myrtle and her husband Charles began a prayer ministry. Daily they held in mind and heart the prayer requests of everyone who contacted them. That was more than 126 years ago – the beginning of Silent Unity.
Prayer is the foundation of Unity and our ministry, and we believe in the power of prayer to expand and transform our minds and cultivate our relationship with God. We believe prayer aligns us with God and allows us to be inwardly guided to all that is good.
Unity of Columbia provides prayer support and comfort through a number of forums, most importantly through our Prayer Chaplains. You can connect with a Prayer Chaplain on Sundays at the church or you can call the office. All prayer requests and support are considered sacred and are held in the strictest confidence.
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, said that prayer is communion with God.