Sarah Bruton has been attending Unity since 1993 when she was in High School. She believes in the Unity message and enjoys being with like-minded people. She finds it very interesting to hear how Unity interprets different Bible stories.

Meet Our Teachers Below
During our Sunday services, your children will find a safe and loving space to meet, feel comfortable and learn the principles of Unity from our volunteer teachers.
Our teachers would love to invite your children (and you) to join our family of youth classes on Sunday mornings. We also offer Nursery care for babies & toddlers (or any children more comfortable in that setting)
Our mission is to call forth the Divine that is expressing uniquely as your child. We guide each child to recognize their oneness with God while accepting and demonstrating the principles taught by Jesus. Children are taught Unity principles with lessons that include spiritual, creative and social activities. They experience the importance of God in their lives and how much God ALWAYS loves them.
Our lessons are for all. We encourage and allow children to travel their own spiritual paths.
Children are also welcome to celebrate with us in the sanctuary.
We read the 5 Unity Principles for Children at every Service
Unity’s Five Basic Principles for Children
- God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
- I am naturally good because God’s divinity is in me and in everyone.
- I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.
- Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
- I do and give my best by living the truth I know. I make a difference.
Meet Our Teachers

Pat Hastings has been attending Unity of the Midlands since 1994 when it moved to the current location on Legrand Rd. She has been teaching the youth for many years. She does fun crafts with the kids and lets them express their creativity. She also greets at the front door once a month and helps invite others into our Spiritual Community. Pat attends Unity because she finds fellowship and teachings that align with what she believes. Since retiring as a nurse she enjoys the freedom to read and garden.

Bernadette Striggles has attended Unity of the Midlands since 1999. She became a member in 2014 which is around the same time she began working with the Unity Youth. Bernadette's favorite things about Unity are the openness she finds here and the freedom for everyone to be who they are! Her favorite way to serve at Unity is to plan and carry out social gatherings and events.

Elizabeth Cain has worked with adult and youth Christian education for over 20 years in the Charleston area and worked as the assistant to the minister for 5 years at Unity of Charleston. She is a Licensed Unity Teacher and facilitates SEE classes in the Field. As an exhibiting member of the Charleston Artist Guild and member of the SC artist group, she also offers Art as a Spiritual Practice workshops. She moved to Columbia in 2019 to be a fulltime granny nanny to 2 grandchildren, Andrew and Henry.