The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity - March


March: Divine Purpose


This month we complete our exploration into the connection between our divine purpose and our prosperity.


What the Bible says:


 “…My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention…” Isaiah 46:10

“…so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

“Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose.” 1 Corinthians 1:10


What Unity says:


“It is your mission to express all that you can imagine God to be.” Charles Fillmore, Talks on Truth

“This is the first step in the fall of man—the belief that he can act wisely without first knowing the plan of God.” Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent 

“Man must go back to his Source and let its clear light flood his whole being with Truth. He must lay aside forever the idea of serving tw0 masters and must look to the one Master, even Christ, the spiritual consciousness within… It is the mission of every man born into the world to fulfill the law of Being…” Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent


Ideas for practice:


•    Test your purpose. Is it bigger than you? A wise person once said, “If it’s not impossible, God’s not in it.” Does your purpose call you to have a larger view of life? Is it something that you cannot do under your ego power, but only under your power united with Christ within you? Journal about these questions: What am I spending my life on? What do I want to spend it on? What is it that connects me most with the Christ within? Using these questions multiple times may help to clarify. Keep notes in your journal.
•    Review your journal from the first two months’ practice. Note any patterns or recurring themes. Note any areas of insight or resistance. Hold them before God. Sit with the feelings you experience, even if they are uncomfortable, and allow yourself to feel them. This often leads to a breakthrough in perspective.
•    If you have not yet had a strong sense of your purpose, keep working with these ideas. You are in God’s perfect timetable.
•    Continue with the prayer triad. Share your thoughts about the questions you are considering this month. Support one another in spending your life on what is meaningful to you.