November: Tithing
There are three ways in which tithing functions in our spiritual communities. First, it makes a statement that acknowledges God as the ultimate owner of the universe. Second, it gives resources to support the mission of the church or center—that of building a sustainable world of spiritual consciousness. Third, it requires us to trust God for our personal needs. All three of these build our own consciousness as givers. We recognize that giving and receiving is not so much about an exchange, but it is about creating faithful and healthy communities locally and globally. In this, all who participate are blessed. In Unity, we recognize that we can only receive when we have an open heart, one that is opened by the act of giving itself.
The Bible, going back to Genesis, shows us that we are created in the image of God. The image of God we have from all the stories and traditions is ultimately of a God who gives lavishly. As we grow in consciousness, we grow in perfecting the image of God we manifest in the physical world. The more we grow in awareness of the Christ consciousness within us, the more we will give.
Think about it. What brings you the greatest joy? It is written in the everyday work we do, the ways we interact with others when at our best. We are most alive when we are expressing our truest selves, when we are sharing that which is within us. In the movie, ***** one of the characters, an Olympic runner, described what it was like when he ran—that he could feel God’s joy. When we are in tune with God’s image, with God’s fondest desire for us, we are prospered. We are most alive when we are giving. There is no meaning or joy in keeping our skills, our gifts, or our lives all to ourselves.
Sometimes, the best way we can learn this principle in our financial lives is to step out in faith and begin to practice. The exercises this month aim at helping us to take steps in this direction.
What the Bible says:
“…give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” Luke 6:38
“Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” John 16:23
“A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury.’” Mark 12:42-43
“The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it….” Ps 24:1
What Unity says:
“Without giving the soul shrivels, but when giving is practiced as a part of Christian living, the soul expands and becomes Godlike in the grace of liberality and generosity. No restoration to the likeness of God can be complete unless mind, heart and soul are daily opening out into that large, free, bestowing spirit which so characterizes our God and Father.” Charles Fillmore, Prosperity
“The natural seeks to hold onto all that it can gain by fair or unfair means, but the heart self, as soon as it has had a vision of the infinite, seeks in its turn to give.” Charles Fillmore, Mysteries of Genesis
“In order that the plan of giving may be successful there are several things that must be observed. First there must be a willing mind… Secondly, the giving must be done in faith, and there must be no withholding because the offering seems small… A third requisite… is that the offering shall be a just and fair proportion of all that one receives.” Charles Fillmore, Prosperity
“If the mind is free from attachment to money or love of it, and lovingly concentrated on the divine substance, there is never failure in the demonstration.” Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent
Ideas for practice:
• Take time to give thanks. Make a list of the attributes of God that you appreciate. Who is God for you? Include these ideas in your journal and spend time in prayer simply appreciating God. Imagine yourself face to face with God. Now imagine all the things in your life for which you are grateful. Add this to your list. Can you picture God extending her/his hands to you, offering you each of these gifts? Express your gratitude.
• How is your financial life in general? Is bill paying a tough task? Here is a paraphrase of an exercise Edwene recommends. Take each bill, one at a time, and hold it in your hands. Surround the company or person with the light of God. Consider that they have trusted you by first providing a product or service that you need. This is not unlike the way that God treats us, always giving us what we need when we need it. Bless the persons involved. For example, if it is your cell phone bill, bless the people who built the cell towers, those who host them, those who created the computer programs, the communication you enjoyed, and so on. (Do not forget your teenage daughter and all the people she talked with!) Welcome them all as gifts in your life, and spend a few moments in appreciation, as you write your check or set up your online payment. What is God’s response to your appreciation? Write in your journal about how this experience touched you.
• One of the suggestions Edwene Gaines makes is to tithe for 6 months. Give yourself a chance to really experience the practice of giving 10% off the gross of what you receive. At the end of six months, take time to ruminate on your experience. What has changed in your outer life? What has changed within you? What is your heart leading you to do for God in the future?
• As an alternative to tithing a full 10%, try this: Start out smaller with percentage giving, and make a plan for working up to tithing. Make a contract with yourself and God as suggested by Charles Fillmore. For example:
You can include your intentions to:
• Give every time you receive a check, to experience the constant flow of good
• Give to your church the entire percentage giving
• Give over and above your percentage giving to the following:
o The Association of Unity Churches International (as a way to prosper God’s work throughout the worldwide Unity movement)
o Social service agencies
o Community services
o Other agency that is important to you
o Advocacy, health care, and other non-profits
The important thing is to remember that this is between God and you, and that it is your spiritual growth that it is built and nurtured by God. Listen for God’s wisdom within you.
• As always, discuss these exercises with your prayer triad. Pray with one another for discernment of God’s yearning for each of you. Share any good experiences you have had in paying bills or working with your finances, or of cash giving or tithing.