Article by Rev Dan: Spiritual Funk

Spiritual Funk


Sometimes those of us on a spiritual growth path hit a rough patch that I’ve come to call a “spiritual funk.” Maybe you have had such an experience? Everything is going along great, firing on all spiritual cylinders, so to speak, and then we hit a wall. It’s as if all our spiritual principles seem to fly out the window! What is going on?!?


Well, if you have had this experience you are not alone. In fact, I don’t know anyone who hasn’t found themselves in a spiritual funk! The good news is that it won’t last forever. The other good news is that we always come out of it stronger for the experience.


I have found that shaking the funk is always a matter of letting something go. Some idea I am hanging onto, or maybe an unfinished piece of forgiveness work whose time has come. And it can take time to know how to move forward, too! It seems like “sitting in it” for a while is part of the process. And that’s OK.


Here is what I suggest if you find yourself in a spiritual funk. First, don’t lose hope. It will pass. Second, cut yourself some slack and allow yourself to relax! Kick back and watch a show or read a book. Eat chocolate if you want. Or as the sage once said, “Don’t just do something. Sit there!” Third, spend some extra time in prayer or meditation each day. Keep it simple. And finally, when you see a way forward, jump on it. Trust your inner spiritual guide. You will intuitively know what to do. 


If you want to find others who live this way every day, I invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 am for a free celebration of the power of Spirit in our lives through meditation, music and message.